Control valves with electrical actuator
DN15 to DN300 Valves
Electrically operated control valves
Designed primarily to regulate the flow of water and steam in
* Throttling
* Mixing
* Distribution
* Steam converting
* Boiler feed pump protection
* Bottom blowdown systems.
These valves are available in two-way and three-way mixing configurations.
- With Positioner
- Available with Profibus-DP and CANOpen fieldbus
Process inputs:
Several control signals available:
- Voltage (V): 0...10 V
- Current (mA): 0/4...20 mA
Process outputs
Valve type
- Two-way
- Three-way mixing
- Feedback potentiometer
- Limit switches
- Various Body materials, Spindle packing and Cone types according to the application requirements
Electric control valves for throttling, mixing and distribution of liquids, steam and gasses in two way or three way design
Control valves for feed water control system of steam boilers with protection of boiler-feed pump from falling below the minimum flow rate
Emergency closing device for motorized valves
Aprooved by TUV as an actuator fro water and steam with safety function in heating systems
Pressure reduction with simultaneous cooling by water injection
Special valves for boiler applications
Communication and programming:
- Field bus ports to CANOpen or Profibus -DP
Mounting method: Flanged
Valve sizes from DN15 to DN300
With standard or special Kvs
Connectable to:
- Any controller with the appropriate input type
Used for:
- Heating/cooling system for water, steam and thermal oil
- HVAC system
- Refrigeration plants
- Power plants